Find the business case that suits you

Relying on relevant, real-time analysis, when and where you want is a must-have today to drive your business. Here are some of our recent business cases.

Quick and automated tracking and sharing of marketing campaigns in real time

An incredible gain of time for the marketing team and a significant increase of the decision-making reactivity!

Tekoe – Minimize unsold and missed sales

Thanks to real-time inventory management by point of sale, they have significantly optimized their supplies and increased their profitability.

Eldora – Add Tcpos data automatically into your erp

This company active in the contract catering sector had to manually collect and process data from 450 cash registers.

Colmar โ€“ Motivate your staff to upsell in restaurant chain

Waiters can follow their results on a daily basis, so they are motivated and aperitif sales keep on increasing!

Class’croute – Online and offline orders unification

dgenious is connected to both of their 2 different cash register system โ€“ their point of sales system and their online ordering system โ€“ so that all data can be analyzed in one place.

Bison ERP โ€“ Reduce unpaid invoices

Our customer is a wine making and distribution company with โ‚ฌ20mio turnover, selling mainly to the hospitality industry.